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be aware of your surroundings safety talk

Always be aware of what's going on all around the vehicle. Avoiding complacency can help increase your perception of your surrounding. The comatose level is where you go into shock, your brain ceases to process information and you simply cannot react to the reality of the situation. Because of the way forklifts work, overloading can cause the rear wheels to rise off the ground and can make the whole machine fall over. Such awareness permits some hazards to be avoided and others to be safe-guarded against. endstream endobj startxref Lt. Murphy has been onsite at several schools during active shooter drills. Simply put, in order to have situational awareness you have to be open to a variety of perspectives and insights. Finally, if a crime does occurREPORT IT! Walk close to the curb. At 55 mph, it takes about 400 feet to react and bring the vehicle to a complete stop. 6. Instead of looking over your shoulder, place your back against a surface if possible to remove the possibility of someone getting behind you or in your blind spot. What if this was happening to the person in the car next to you? Do you think these people are likely to notice the pre-attack cues of a potentially dangerous situation? It is important that each individual is looking out for his or her own safety as well as looking out for their workmates. Dont be predictable. I know this sounds extremely difficult, but I can assure you that it is not as hard as you think. In the training, we saw a video of a man who starts whacking a car that is sitting at a stop light with a large metal pipe. The vast majority of communication is done through body language, not spoken language. Exits: Always be aware of your exits, and have an exit strategy. Careers Situational awareness is the ability to identify, process, and understand what is happening around you, while thinking ahead to prevent or mitigate potential safety incidents. In an emergency you do not have a lot of time to take in your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings Your coworkers won't be able to hear your ideas or take you seriously when there is a pile of dirty clothes in the corner behind you. Regularly inspect your normal work area. Since this is learned behavior, anyone can improve their situational awareness. Drive far enough behind the car in front of you so you can safely stop; especially in inclement weather, give yourself plenty of reaction time. Everywhere you go, people have their heads down while looking at their phones, which means they cant be looking up to notice whats going on around them. With that in mind, the full extent of potentially dangerous body language is beyond the scope of this article. Whether youre a citizen or law enforcement officer, adopting these five safety tips daily which really boil down to situational awareness and proactive diligence empowers you and forms habits that may help save your life or someone elses in the case of an emergency. Where could I escape? Premeditating such responses can help them to become second-nature in the event of an actual emergency, making your response more effective. Following large vehicles that block your view ahead. At least half of the crimes in the Unites States go unreported, either because people don't think the police can do anything about it, or because people don't want to get involved. All these activities might help prevent an attack. Do not depend only on your mirrors or only looking out a side window. How many Martial Arts schools are there in the US. Always be aware of your surroundings #WorkSafe #SafetyFirst. That is why getting familiar with the layout of buildings you are making smart safety sense. If you are doing this to make tasks safer for you and others and to get the task done more efficiently you are showing situational awareness. Have an exit plan. Continental ExtremeContact DWS Review Does It Meet Expectations? Back up. The first part of the process is the cue or trigger, the second is the routine or behavior itself, and the third is the reward. You dont know. Vq&e-t\U>?tql/;EhYt+h\geB7YZ U[>8%F](]d[mwil2 !b~J3u8.Y1C_O Keep your workplace clear from clutter This is what happens when that car you are watching at the intersection ahead doesnt stop at the stop sign and pulls out right in front of you. Like if a job is too risky for one person to do it, or if a machine seems faulty. Situational awareness is often discussed, but it's acknowledged how so few people know what it truly represents and why it's tremendously important. Keep your belongings in front of you and hold close to your body with both hands. Understanding Your Surroundings While Driving, refer to the Basic Speed Law in the Speed Limits section. Do not rely on traffic signals. You need to practice this level of awareness when you are driving on icy or slushy roads. It has been said, your gut feeling is not just a guess, your gut feeling is your body reacting based upon knowledge or experience before your mind can fully process the information it is receiving. You need to be aware of your surroundings, and you need to have an idea of how you will respond if you are faced with a threatening situation. The fourth level of awareness is high alert. So, go out there, do your job as a government attorney and keep safe. On the highway, 1015 seconds is about a quarter of a mile. This ability is relevant in a wide variety of circumstances. Every single day for the past 30 years, at least three workers don't make it home and thousands more experience a serious injury. Your aggressor will be surprised at your response, take advantage of that. How SchoolGuard Panic Button Helps Protect 6500 Students, Guard911 & Lt. Col. Grossman on Stopping Killers. So tell the police as much as you can; no fact is too trivial. ), and on gravel. Check the blind spots. This space cushion will give you room to brake or maneuver if you need the space. Continually check them for hazards. Having situational awareness can keep you and your coworkers safe. Thats the most important question in self defense, in my opinion. Tap your brakes lightly a few times to warn the tailgater you are slowing down. In today's market, having a poor safety record can mean all the difference between winning or losing a deal. Do you know if your school, university, workplace, or place of worship has a response plan and training program for active intruder incidents or other emergencies? Don't presume changes in your surroundings are innocent or fine. Yes, that is difficult at first. Change lanes and allow the tailgater to pass you, or slow down to allow enough cushion between you and the car in front of you. Watch for hazardsLook beyond the vehicle ahead of you. At freeway exits, do not drive alongside other cars. Inmates have 24/7 to watch your behaviors and body language, so always assume a threat is imminent. Keep all electronic devices in an inside jacket pocket. Give yourself this time by keeping a "space cushion" on all sides of your vehicle. Keep jewelry out of sight; don't flash jewelry; turn rings around so the stones don't show. Be cautious and aware of your surroundings, And . Ask someone. Required fields are marked *. Follow your emergency plan. What if that truck doesnt stop at its red light, do you have time to stop, someplace to go? No one can predict disaster, and situational awareness can be the determining factor between life and death. Consider, whether you need to tell someone or react. A few quick tips that might signal potential danger include shiftiness, hands in pockets, and avoiding eye contact. Operators should yield the right of way to pedestrians: This is an OSHA recommendation that all forklift drivers should be aware of. Keep your car doors locked and windows closed while in or out of your car . Not sure? Be careful what you put out there and how much information you put out there about your family. Also be aware: "Familiarity breeds contempt" 1. The best defense against the active shooter crisis in our country is to reduce the notification time and response time of our law enforcement. Takeaway: Get into the habit of identifying the emergency exits at the stores you visit, hotels you are staying at and public buildings you enter. When people are in an area where there is potential danger (which, in reality, is almost anywhere), they should go through most of the day in a state of relaxed awareness. Everyone should consider it his or her responsibility to report crime. When traveling at night always book a taxi or get a lift with someone you trust. UCLA Crime Prevention UnitEmail: info@ucpd.ucla.eduPhone: (310) 825-6111Fax: (310) 206-2550Mail Code: 136408, Address601 Westwood PlazaLos Angeles, CA 90095-1364. Business HoursMonday Friday 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Station Hours24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 601 Westwood Plaza STOP - Engage your mind befor eyour hands. endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <>stream Watch for signals from other drivers. Become a Hard Target: Those with malicious intent generally single out individuals that seem meek, vulnerable, or unaware of their surroundings. By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk to yourself and also discourage those who commit crimes. During off hours, ride as near to the bus operator as possible. 10,433,143. The first level, tuned out, is similar to when you are driving and are engrossed in thought and arrived somewhere in your vehicle without even thinking about driving there. In this video, I go over a simple driving lesson on paying attention to your surroundings. This space cushion will give you room to brake or maneuver if you need the space. Beware electronic distractions. Situational awareness, in laymans terms, is your ability to process your surroundings and notice any changes in those surroundings. Even practicing one of these skills on a regular basis can exponentially increase your situational awareness. Welders should always be aware of their surroundings before starting a weld. It can make you more aware of your surroundings, it can give you a different perspective on things, and can also make you see risks. Situational awareness at work is a crucial part of your health and safety. Relaxed awareness is not tiring, and it allows you to enjoy life while rewarding you with an effective level of personal safety. Before changing lanes, look into your rear view mirror for nearby vehicles and also over your shoulder to check for blind spots. Many drivers follow too closely (tailgate) and are not able to see as far ahead as they should because the vehicle ahead blocks their view. The primary element in establishing this mindset is first to recognize that a threat or hazard exists. Situational awareness is not some magic pill that will automatically prevent an attack. First, notice your surroundings. Situational awareness: Understanding the current environment and being able to accurately anticipate future problems to enable effective actions.1 Why is this important? Use proper fall protection equipment and 100% tie-off when working in elevated positions. The best way to be safe is to know your surroundings and pay attention to everything and everyone around you. Look both ways even if other traffic has a red light or a stop sign: Look to the left first, since vehicles coming from the left are closer to you than vehicles coming from the right. Towing a trailer or carrying a heavy load. Ensure warning signage is posted where . You see a bus, school bus, or a placarded vehicle at railroad crossings. Relaxed awareness is not tiring, and it allows you to enjoy life while rewarding you with an effective level of personal safety. No. What would you do? Defensive precautions includes avoiding walking alone at night, not letting people follow you, and avoiding any form of intoxication from drugs or alcohol while in public. It has to be a conscious effort for everyone to have a 360-degree view of situations and show others the importance of doing so. Where and when should situational awareness techniques be used? Frequent practice is vital, as no two situations are the same, and every environment provides unique conditions that will challenge your adaptability. Be alert to pickpocketers on crowded buses; check your purse or wallet if someone is jostling, crowding or pushing you. Situational awareness is important to everyone - it is important that everyone is aware of their surroundings and the potential hazards they face. Assessment of your working environment should occur continually, but especially in the following situations: Why is situational awareness important to us? You should learn to look at things with a 360-degree focus, not just from your view. What about someone screaming for help? Understand and manage fleet and asset maintenance data and costs with iTRACK. Do they talk with you and then everyone can see? Do not respond to conversation from strangers on the streetcontinue walking. At 35 mph, it takes about 210 feet to react and bring the vehicle to a complete stop. This doesnt mean you should be paranoid or stop enjoying your time out in public or at work, its simply about practicing and mastering situational awareness a skill that could save your life or someone elses. Reading body language is a huge factor in training your perception of your surroundings. "As for parents of young children, it is impossible to be with your . Give yourself this time by keeping a space cushion on all sides of your vehicle. Go to a different store. hWmo9+YHF]th%@ PV{0`pp8b(/HZQ`4p%&h^ `N'dHT^9-|Qug>>I)%A86pF~ yJME!7Rin>AxY1 The most common thing that reduces aware is distraction. For more information about partnering with Raymond Storage Concepts and how we can satisfy your parts needs, pleasecontact ustoday. Allow extra room ahead, do not brake suddenly. Situational awareness is a critical foundation for successful decision making in most situations that you can be put in at work. Regularly exercising your senses can make them keener, which can help you avoid unsafe situations, determine threats faster, and pick up on critical information more quickly during emergencies. Do not use or wear anything that will impede your vision or hearing (i.e. Don't stop to aid motorists by the side of the road. Scan: Most people automatically scan new situations or environments, but dont always focus on the most useful information. If you suspect you are being followed, go into an open store or a Public Safety Safe Haven and have the clerk call the Police or Public Safety right-away. Be aware of your surroundings on the job and use them to your advantage. If you are driving a car, then your main focus should be on the road, but the fact of the matter is. When beginning work on a new project/contract/customer location. Intuition: Trust your gut. To avoid last minute moves, scan the road 1015 seconds ahead of your vehicle so you can see hazards early. 2. Look inside your vehicle before you get in, especially when it has been parked in a parking terminal or lot. Be aware of your surroundings. Do not develop a fixed stare. Keep scanning. "But we're able to talk to kids about 'stop, drop and roll,' and it doesn't cause the chaos, fear and . Consider the building occupants when scheduling your work: you may need to schedule work when there are fewer people in the building/area; Put up barriers and signage to alert building occupants to avoid hazards and stay clear of the immediate work area; Report hazards to Facilities and/or Environmental Health and Safety Ignoring warning signs or not being aware of what could lead to accidents can cause massive issues, as was the case when a crane collapsed in Texas, leaving four dead. No. This situational awareness process also demonstrates the importance of all of us being familiar with our environment and the hazards that exist there. {4t6V6mf@Vf%qWEGIMRJ)Px#+m. . Practice these 6 behaviors to develop a mindset of being aware. Anonymous Reporting Line: (310) 794-5824, 2023 Regents of the University of California, Domestic Violence: Obtaining a Restraining Order, Reporting a Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence, Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications. Public officials have records of where you live for tax and property ownership purposes. Assess the emergency and where you are. A new year is often a time of taking stock: re-evaluating ones accomplishments, goals, and personal habits both the good, and the bad. Be aware of locations and situations which would make you appear vulnerable to crime, such as alleys and dark parking lots. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We can give you your valuable time back with 365 prepared toolbox talks just like this one about watching your surroundings, all delivered from our iOS and Android apps to your workers' phones, so your workers are focused, productive, and accident-free. Taking fifteen minutes to disconnect can help you to be more connected during the rest of the day with life offline. (In other words, be just a little paranoid.) Every time we do a task, our mind creates a script. Never leave your purse or wallet in plain view or in common accessible areas. Everything you need is already primed and ready for delivery. The extra weight makes it harder to stop. There are hazards and risks every day on the job site and to keep yourself and your coworkers safe you have to be aware of them. Take a different route to work. We use cookies to manage and improve your website experience. The temporary loss or lack of situational awareness is a casual factor in many accidents. Respond to medical emergencies properly. 5. Keep your head on a swivel looking for potential hazards. Be aware of your surroundings, and be alert to who is near you. To ensure drivers are aware of their surroundings, they should be free from distractions, follow the speed limit, and keep their eyes on the road at all times. Be aware of escape routes for emergencies and post the police and fire department numbers near telephones. I dont literally mean keeping your eyes wide open, but always keeping a good field of view. Check out the new logo that I created on You probably think you already do this, but being intentional about locating exits and doors, paying attention to the people around you, and practicing simple habits like looking over your shoulder in a parking lot before you get into your car should be part of your daily routine. Attend a demo, get a free Raken Carhartt beanie. Learn how your comment data is processed. Surroundings -Safety Talk Pay attention to your surroundings, It might prevent an injury. Ensure all . Being aware of potential hazards is the best way to turn an incident into a near miss. Keep in mind though that being alert extends beyond reading safety signs. How Situationally Aware People Create a Resilient Organization I tell this to law enforcement officers all the time when Im speaking, said Lt. Murphy. Cooper CS4 Touring Review Is It Worth Buying? Dont presume changes in your surroundings are innocent or fine. In this toolbox talk, you can cover ways to develop better safety awareness and how to practice observation skills on the job. %%EOF Thankfully for us, most people already do a very good job reading body language and have a good understanding of potentially dangerous body language. 5 Tips to Stay Safe While Welding. Know where your kids are. You can hit your brakes and keep your car under control. Trust your gut. Smelling smoke, chemicals, or gas might tell you that there is a dangerous situation. Be aware of your surroundings. This means you must be proactive about being aware of your surroundings. The best way to keep yourself and others safe is to identify the hazards in your workplace and be aware of your surroundings. The police need the eyes and ears of all citizens. 441 Likes, 46 Comments. High alert can be scary, but at this level you are still able to function. People typically operate on five distinct levels of awareness: The basic level of situational awareness that should be practiced most of the time is relaxed awareness, a state of mind that can be maintained indefinitely without all the stress and fatigue associated with focused awareness or high alert. In the same vein as minimizing distractions, you want to identify threats before they become threats. Often there is so much 'going on' in your work environment, or you become so absorbed in your own thoughts, that you fail to spot those things that could pose a serious threat to your health and safety. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where someone could hide. A lack of situational awareness affects your personal safety in two broad . Basic Safety Tips for Women: Speak Up. You may also submit an IT support request at . It can happen with any repetitive task. This does not just apply to buildings, but can be practiced in cars, public transportation, elevators, and even in outdoor environments. First, notice your surroundings. That perpetual image could include thinking to push your shopping cart into an attacker or using your stiletto heel to fend off an attack. Practice devising alternate methods of escape if your primary exit becomes compromised. If you feel vulnerable dont be afraid to ask for assistance. How we read a situation can be influenced by many things such as the type of information we have been given, our own experience and distractions in the workplace. Even listening to music can be a distraction and a safety hazard. Increase the distance between yourself and this person the amount of distance depends on the situation, but five or six feet can allow you some reaction time if they become an active threat.

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