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heartland amy and ty first sleep together

gosh Ive enjoyed Heartland which is probably a g tv series! The next morning, Ty talks to Brad and says he'll go with him to the Grand Canyon one day. Lily Borden (Mother)Brad Borden (Father) Wade Dalton (Step-Father)Amy Fleming (Wife)Lyndy Borden (Daughter)Tim Fleming (Father-In- law)Marion Fleming (Mother In-Law) Jack Bartlett (Grandfather In-Law)Lisa Stillman (Step Grandmother In-Law)Lou Fleming (Sister In-Law)Shane Grenier (Half brother-In-Law)Georgie Fleming-Morris (Adopted niece)Katie Fleming-Morris (Niece) Id love to know! Amy asks Ty to watch a film together and he tells her he's tired so is going to bed early. Peter should be given custody of the girls. He has a rare case of pneumonia from a tick. Amy joins Ty on the sofa as they're about to kiss they're interrupted by Mallory. They wait up on the hill, keeping an eye on him. Although the first aid kit, radio and transponder is broken he's delighted that his picture for Amy survived. (The Fix), It's Ty's last day at Heartland before heading to university, he doesn't want to make it a big deal whereas Amy wants to do something big. In episode 6 we saw Mitch decide to start his own cattle business after Jack refused to expand their operation. When Ty's preparing to leave for university he finally admits to Val that he is going to miss him when he leaves. Ty later finds Amy reading her mum's journals, he tells her things are better with Lily but still weird. Lou: The message of my campaign has always been about integrity. Unexpected news about Luke disrupts Heartland just as Amy must face the truth about Spartan. Ty supports Amy through the memorial for Marion, they find a spot and watch as Victor burns sweet grass to mark the spot as sacred. Bell (Honorary Grandmother)Cassandra FayBob Granger Harley Ty rushed Amy to the hospital and as soon as he arrived the hospital staff took Amy inside. Ty (By All) The next morning Jack asks what happened and as Amy is about to tell him the truth when Ty jumps in and takes the blame. Eye Color Jack confesses he felt the same way about him but he proved everyone wrong. Scott and Ty go back to check on Daisy, they tell her that the foal's in a bad position but Ty reassures her. And that family includes this town. He then goads him telling Ty he's going to go and see Amy, leading to another fight between the pair accidentally letting the cows out. Jack shows Ty up to the Loft where he's be staying. Lou is against Amy having a home-birth, and is frantic when the midwife is late. He talks him down and manages to get him to put the gun down. (Man's Best Friend), At Maggie's, Ashley, Soraya, Amy and Mallory tell Ty about Mr. Hanley and the ghost story about his farm. they manage to get free to see Tim getting shot by protecting Amy. Coming Home And since most of the injured animals were found around Gibson Creek aka Werths new development Lou quickly put two and two together. He takes her out to the jumping course he built for her to remind her it's not about winning she and Spartan love jumping. Amy spoke first, "We hope you don't mind but we would like you to meet our kids and Soraya's husband." . He has been placed there under his probation. After Kit leaves Ty and Amy try to talk again but she's put out and leaves. And so, the end of Heartland season 13 is here. While Ty was away, he finds a vet program at the University of Calgary so he doesn't have to leave, making Amy really happy. Episodes Heartland Georgie gives Amy the ring, but when Amy goes to put it back in the dresser Ty catches her and she says that they should talk about it. Caleb starts talking about Amy, much to Ty's jealousy, when they spot the rustler truck pulling onto the field. Kit's happy they have free time now and suggests they do something together, Ty instead tells her he wants to work with Harley some more, Kit tags along telling him she'll help. When a mystery horse arrives at Heartland, Amy and Ty are sent down a path that will alter their lives. When he and Jack get to Big River he tells the others that when him and Amy were there they saw more horses than there are now. (Seismic Shifts) Ty works on his truck with Amy and Kit, when Clint arrives he covers up who is not wanting to tell Kit about his probation. Ty tells her he's excited to go with her to the rodeo this weekend, Kit tells him that Amy and Caleb are also going, to Ty's surprise. When Amy checks with Ty about what happened with the fax, they see Trooper charge with Taylor riding him Amy rushes off to catch her. Once it's been confirmed, Ty tells them that the length of quarantine will depend on how many horses get ill. He has another go at Ben and points out the marks on Red from how he treats him and if he really cared should treat him better. When they leave the barn he sees Kerry-Anne looking for him, she runs up and kisses him. After a long day he see's Amy heading off for a party at Briar Ridge, so he takes off and crashes causing interest for Ashley. He goes outside to get more firewood. Amy asks about what he said when he picked her up form Victor's about not being friends. Fortunately, the family rallied around Lou. I like Lou and Peter together. Speaking of Lou, this was a huge episode for her as well. Ty finishes up at Maggie's and Brad is determined to stay and order a drink with Ty. They begin talking and become friends quickly, spending more and more time together. Relationships The lights suddenly go out and Ty goes to check the breaker box, when he hears a noise from the loft. Scott helps advise Ty on feed at Maggie's they stay for some pie and coffee when Kit arrives. that's been injured, he intends on dropping Ty off before flying over there. She tells him about how angry Daisy has been lately, being mean to the other mares and trying to steal one's foal, Ty suggests letting Amy help. This is purely a fanmade video, for entertainm. And it was mostly due to a storyline that began in the last episode. When Caleb interrupts asking where he was since he didn't get in until 2am, Amy gets upset that he lied to her and tells him not to come to the dance. Ty convinces her to watch and sees Amy drop the reins and Daisy runs freely around the barrels. After they have time away they manage to understand each other and Amy learning that Ty promised himself that if he had kids he would give them nothing but love. He picks up Jack's shotgun in a panic and points it at the noise, he's stunned when Jack emerges. (Showdown!) Who does Amy end up with in Heartland? (Gift Horse) Ty helps out on the cattle drive, taking the Dude Ranch horses for a test drive. After Jack's truck breaks down he asks Ty to have a look at it, he does so after suggesting letting it die. When Ty arrives Lou has very little to do with him. He starts struggling with his horse, Betty, and Amy circles back to help him out. He comes out as selfish, opportunist, alone time specialist and has his eyes on owning major part of Heartland by marriage to Lou. And since the animal was running right for Amy and Ty, the shooter missed the wolf and shot Amy in the shoulder. (The Reckoning), When Amy and Ty notice Daisy sweating, they call Scott to check her out. Jack steps in to defend him and takes him back home. And the episode ended with them telling one another that they should figure what it is that the other really wants. When Clint has an allergic reaction to nuts, he tells Ty to help with the kids as he's his poster boy for success. Mindy asks Caleb and Ty to take her to Mustang Meadow, Ty tells her Amy will be back from school soon and then can go but refuses to wait so Caleb takes her. After Mr. Mallen shows up Ty helps support Amy and gives her tips to make a tough jump and Amy wins. Green Half-way through the season, it comes back on the market and they begin to make plans to buy it. After the accident, Amy's upset when Ty becomes distant, until Mallory tells her he's earned it after what he's been through. After Ty gets his High School diploma, he asks Scott to work with him, with an interest of becoming a vet. She even went to confront J. D. about it. They find her being marched through the woods with a rustler pointing a gun at her. Ty's out fishing with Jack, who's giving him pointers. (Come What May) Ty help Jack by fixing his truck, while doing so Mallory rambles about telling the people you like how you feel before it's too late. Amy almost misses her graduation because Spartan colics and Amy blames herself. The next day, Ty goes to see Lily at the cabin and finds her packing in a hurry, he gets upset that she was going to leave early and not tell him claiming she hasn't changed. They sit quietly holding hands. His dad taught him some magic tricks, which he shows Amy in. Amy tells him that they could be friends but she wants more than that since she's in love with him, he also declares his love and they share a kiss. Brown The next day, Ty works with Harley again as is able to ride him, Jack praises him and tells him that he's gained Harley's trust but still has a lot to teach him. In Mongolia, Ty successfully helps save Gobi bears, facing danger along the way. And Amy and Ty got caught in his crossfire. Likes Mainly because the separation was putting unnecessary strain on Lou and Mitchs relationship. Amy finds Ty in the Loft watching Tara and Badger, she asks him why he never told her about his stepdad and he admits he's never told anyone. Amy and Ty find a secluded spot, Ty takes out some tobacco and throws it on the ground and tries to leave. Which made Georgie realize that her big gesture was for nothing. Occupation(s) Jack tries talking to him but he's determined to take responsibility for his mum. Ty goes over to Big River to swap with Caleb and they both sit for a while watching the cattle. The next day, Amy and Ty prepare to go when Jack tells them that after talking to Scott agrees they should go up there. Amy's later in the barn at night, when the cougar appears, she calls to Ty who runs down, grabs a pitchfork and manages to scare it off. When he seems disinterested Kit tells him that with mats you can always find the answer but Ty always leaves her with more questions. But when Ghost comes to Heartland, after a concerned Amy calls Ty, it is revealed Ty is sick. Ty and Amy are elated, until Jack tells them he's going too. They find a spot and wait for Jack's conformation before they all hurry around setting up camp. After a near death experience (falling off his motorcycle and hitting head on a rock), he has flashbacks of everything he and Amy have been through and realizes that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. He takes Spartan out to the pen to exercise him when Caleb tries to ask about him and Amy. Liam shakes his hand and shocks him with a buzzer claiming its just an initiation. But if Ty hadnt seen the wolf and hadnt tackled Amy down when he did the bullet would have hit Amy straight on. During the episode, we not only saw Lou struggle with the final days of her campaign and do everything in her power to actually win the election. When Amy puts the horse back in the barn she finds Ty asleep, she gently tries to wake him up which terrifies him and he grabs her up against the wall stunning them both. MotorcyclesHorses After he catches him they all stand in shock as the hooded figure looms over Badger, pulls his hood down and Mr. Hanley thinks he's the one who's been aggravating his horses. Amy, Lou and Ty fawn over the new trucks in the brochure trying again to convince Jack to get a new truck, he avoids them by going to bed. He tells her about a new client horse coming in and she gets annoyed, she feels she can't fix her own horse so has lost confidence in fixing other horses. The pair don't spend much time together but when Pegasus gets sick Tim blames Ty for making the decision he did. Register and search over 40 million singles: matches and more. (Corporate Cowgirls) Ty goes with Amy to exercise Pegasus and Spartan, she asks him about Kit and he tells her that she is a friend of Caleb's. After everyone leaves Amy asks him why he was being secretive, he assures her Mallory just told them before he had a chance to. In the morning Ty's fixing the tarp when they both get a glimpse of promise from a passing chopper. In the evening, Ty finds Amy and finally tells her about what happened with his dad. She even admitted to him that she was in love with him. Ty starts working with Harley, Jack offers to help but as it's his first horse Ty tells him he wants to do it alone. Ty goes to Victor's and picks up Amy. . The horse even voluntarily ran into the pen with Spartan. On top of that, Peter was back in town, too. Add the stress of Remi getting hurt and then Amy and Ty getting shot and Lou was really feeling the pressure. After Jack takes his horse out for a training session, Ty finds him near Heartland walking his horse back, he tells Ty that the horse is the problem and needed a break. Kerry-Anne's car has broken down and he bargains with her that he will put in the new starter for the necklace. He takes his time and places it down, when he looks up he see's a wolf that watches him before running back into the woods. Jack tells Ty about the Hudson Derby race, Tim cheated and won the race. He suggests taking shifts, but they end up both staying there together. When they hear a commotion with the horses they arrive to see Badger releasing the horses. He's out watching Ghost and is able to talk to Amy, he tells her that he can hear a mate that's why Ghost doesn't want to stay. Lou overhears this and confronts Ty about it and he is second guessing it because he doesn't want to hold her back. Which in return made that scene my favorite one from the episode and maybe even from the whole season. In the morning, after the cougar attack on the Chickens, Ty continues to worry about Merlin being outside but Amy ensures he'll be fine in the round pen. Heartland - Ty and Amy Season 1 part 1 of 4Copyright by: CBC No copyright infringement is intended. They break into the barn and try to get Spartan, he's spooked and refuses, when Wes arrives they jump out the stall and hide. Wade sneaks into Dexter's stall and scatters salt over his hay and empties his water bucket. Amy approaches and Ty tells her that he told Kit she'd help. (Born to Run), Ty is intent on impressing Tim so practices ropingMallory. Ty see's his sponsorship papers and starts to apologize to Jack about everything, he reassures him that he already signed them. Amy is shocked and reminds him that he's saved his money for a motorcycle but he wins the bid and buys Harley. She goes to stroke his face but he backs away. As he's leaving he helps Jack who can't get the seat back to normal after Amy drove the truck. Amy and Ty arrive at the fishing cabin, they begin unloading hay when Amy asks if he was going to tell her about Kit. After Kit talks to Amy and is convinced that there's nothing going on between her and Ty so they kiss, starting a relationship. Family But she also had to deal with the tense family situation that was developing. Ty runs up to her after glad she's ok, Scott calls for his help with horses in the trailers. Thanks everyone for your sweet show! reeeaaaaaaaalllllllly like Jack, and who could not love Amy? When they tack up Pegasus Ty warns them Amy won't be happy but Caleb takes them anyway. But I am nothing if not loyal to my family. "We are in the hospital, Jack found us." Ty told her. During a clinic, Chase Powers kisses Amy. Everyone congratulates him except Amy who is still concerned. NThe Writers I presume understand the culture and social environment better. But he tells her he can't be the guy in the loft forever, and she asks why because she loves the guy in the loft. Heartland has said goodbye to one of the characters part of the relationship at the heart of the show. Although he admitted that he was happy to finally hear Georgie say that she loved him, he still left to collect his second-place ribbon without so much as wait here or I love you, too. The lights come back on and Mr. Hanley finds out what's been going on. As Scott checks on Daisy, Ty tries to apologise and make conversation with Kit, which doesn't go well. And when someone threatens that family, tries to hurt them, tries to take them down you can bet that I will be there and ready to fight. Ty goes to the Dude Ranch to talk to Lily, as he arrives she receives another call, this time answering and telling them to stop calling her. This makes Amy happy. After Scott delivers Merlin he leaves them to try and bond, Kit worries that she won't accept him and he'll go hungry so Scott leaves bottles. They moved to Calgary and Ty got a job and brad spent all his money on a poker game. Amy arrives putting Spartan in the barn, he asks if she wants him to turn him out but she's determined to keep him in the barn. Amy returns from school and asks where Pegasus is and Ty tells her that Mindy and Caleb took him on a ride. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDEDDisclaimer: All material belongs to their appropriate owners. When Jack hears Ty fire up the truck he rushes out and says he'll take it for a spin to help the battery, Ty tells him the battery's fine it's everything else under the hood. Tim, out of loop as usual, invites Ahmed to Heartland for dinner that ends in a fight between Ty and Ahmed after Georgie reveals that the Prince is in love with Amy. Ty picks him up at brings him to Heartland, he causes concern when he starts to become confused and thinks Amy is his daughter Ruth. Ty tells her he'll fix it when Mallory tells them dinner is ready. (Sweetheart of the Rodeo) Ty finds Mallory sleeping out on the bench, due to the heat, so creeps up on her at 2 am to make her jump. When Ty's Mum, Lily, shows up Amy tries her best to support Ty but also is dubious of Lily after causing him so much pain. After their break up, Ty and Kit remain friends, sometimes to the annoyance of Amy. And although at first, it seemed like Lou might not win after all, since the initial results showed J. D. in the lead. He starts to doubt his decision but Jack supports him saying he made the decision with the animal's best interest at heart, the key to being a great vet. When it comes to season finales, Heartland really knows what its doing because this one was intense. They move the trailer as a bridge between the barn and the paddock, his favorite place. Ty arrives dressed in his suit surprising Amy and tells her he's going with her, they try to leave but Lou insists on taking pictures first. How have you been sleeping and any episode lately." Amy and Ty moved on the edge of their seats to listen. On his way back to Heartland he finds Red and rides him back. After Ty leaves to see his dad he calls Jack for help who brings him back to Heartland telling him he can come back to Heartland. Mallory arrives the next morning in shock, she asks if they know how it happened and Ty leads her into the barn. Aliases Ty joins the others watching Caleb at the rodeo, on tv, and watches in horror as he's slammed up against the railings and collapses to the ground unconscious. Mindy overhears and is convinced that they like each other. Ty decides to move out from the loft as he needs a place of his own. She was married to Ty Borden up until his death. Ty praises her for noticing since most people wouldn't have. Caleb asks if Ty's coming to the rodeo but he tells him the bike's not ready. They start bustling and Ty stops when everyone comes out the house telling him he's not worth it. Ty keeps an eye on Taylor while she sits with Trooper. Amy snaps at him and gives her the cold shoulder. After all, at the end of the previous episode, we saw Georgie make the long drive to Kelowna where Quinn was competing in a showjumping event. And we didnt have to wait long for Georgie to kiss Quinn in answer to his plea of her just having to give him one reason to say. Him and Amy bond when she gives him one of Jack's hats for the cattle drive. And at the end of the episode, we saw J. D. Werth asking a shady guy to take care of the wildlife problem. They almost kiss but Amy pulls away, scared that things will change between them. When Ty comes home, he is immediately admitted to the hospital. Want to know what happened during it? Find a woman in my area! (Summer's End), When one of Stumpy's cows wanders onto Heartland's field, Amy takes it back. He asks her if she has any history on him and tells him Money used to be a chuck wagon horse. She decides to take the year off to figure out her next step. Ty takes a job at Briar Ridge and works in the stables, mostly mucking out. Caleb invites Amy to Maggie's later with him, Ty and Kit. It just feels like they could have accomplished more if they knew what they wanted. Amy tries to talk to him about his dad leaving but he refuses. When Ty tries to make him see that when they find him he'll be in big trouble but he asks for a place to stay for the night. They talk about the last time they saw each other, she was running off to LA with her boyfriend. Ty blames him and says it's the same as he did when he was younger, leaving him to get beaten up by Wade. After a grueling labor and birth, Amy has a beautiful baby girl, Lyndy Marion Borden. They get interrupted when Amy calls for back up with the mustangs at the feed lot. At Maggie's they talk about Diva Girl the Divorce Horse and Caleb brags about being the one to fix her as turning her out was his suggestion, when he gets a call from Ashley and leaves the group. When Amy is working with Promise she spooks and he grabs Amy to prevent her from being hurt. A hooded figure enters the Diner and they all watch in fear as Caleb removes his hood and tells them about the bad weather blowing in. Scott tells him that Kit's mare is in foal and need to check her out. Ty tells her what happened with his dad and that he wanted to call but only had one thing he wanted to say, they kiss. Amy wakes in the middle of the night and rushes out to check on Spartan and is devastated to find him gone, she shouts up to wake Ty who comes down to see him gone. He picks up and delivers the news that Jack's awake and he's going to be OK. Once the barn is re-built he and Amy are putting the horses back in she agrees to let him be her coach. She starts to get suspicious that he's always going out and avoids talking about the dance. Do Ty and Amy get together in real life? (Taking Chances), Ty joins Ashley at Maggie's and sees the new commercial for Briar Ridge. And Peter being there complicated things even more. They go and see Amy and when Lily goes to look at some of the horses, Amy asks why she's here. Jack walks in and wants to talk to Ty, he tells him that now his probation is finished he can leave but he can stay and he wants him to think of Heartland as his home. When Lily receives a phone call and quickly declines it he asks who it was, she tells him it was her friend Susie that she's going to see in Vancouver. When Ty arrives back at Heartland he goes to see Amy but tells her he has to go out again and leaves. At night, Ty's in the office reading up on strangles and goes to check on Pegasus. And when the colt accidentally got free from the pen that he was in while Amy and Ty were trying to get the horse into a trailer to bring him to Heartland, Amy gave up and let the animal be. Jack tells Ty that his knee is stiff but he's still determined to beat Tim, he tells him that he's going to work his horse slowly so he doesn't peak before the race day. Ty and Jack go to help Caleb when he crashes his truck into a ditch. When working in the barn Amy and he start chatting about show jumping and she reveals that she's worried about doing it without her Mom. Someone was shooting at the wolf. He tells them that Wes is out of prison on good behavior. Jack realises that he wants to impress Amy, he advises him to take his time. And I promise that I will do my best to defend us to the end. Victor asks ty why Kit isn't here helping if she's concerned but he explains it's complicated. He tries to help but Amy gives him the cold shoulder. Jack shouts that they could have both been arrested and Ty could be facing jail with serious criminals. Wade leaves and Ty says he just took a wrong turn. He again tries to shrug it off and play it down but Amy's worried about him and knows he hasn't been sleeping. In the morning, Amy tells Ty she hoped to see him last night but he tells her he went to bed early excited about the dance. So, this episode we saw just that. The next day, Ty's helping Jack with the fences when Caleb rushes off praising Ty's advice because now Ashley's calling him and leaves. Amy starts complaining that Ty's spending more time with Merlin, she suggests that he start getting him used to a halter but Ty doesn't want to as he's only a baby. When Amy and Ty go to do night check, Ty seems upset and confesses to Amy that he's shaken by what he saw with the horses today, one having to be euthanized on the spot. Mallory asks for help setting up the ground poles, he reminds her that Amy has taken Copper for the trail ride so suggests she help him in town. Ty tells Jack that he hasn't seen his father since he was 12 years old. (True Enough), Lou hands out confidentiality agreements to everyone for the new guest at the Dude Ranch, famous actress - Mindy Fanshaw. Amy tells Ty about Ashley blackmailing her to help with Apollo or Ben will take the jumps away. Kit leaves and teases him about his hat. Wade breaks the lock and gets into Heartland, he approaches Ty with a tire iron goading him into fighting him. Then Lou is in labor and Ty and Amy figure out their differences. When Amy has a dream that helps give her an idea of how to help Spartan she enlists Ty's help. He admits he does care for her and didn't mean to hurt her, she asks why he never told her the truth but he admits he didn't know. Scott comes to check him and tells them they need to get him to eat something. He returns to the track and sits in the next stall from Dexter with Wade watching him from the shadows, unbeknownst to Ty. "Heartland" is normally a feel-good family show known for its warmth, horses, and expansively beautiful Canadian scenery . Ty Tells him about the guys that beat him up due to the stolen money. Friends Ty tells her that maybe she should buy another horse but she refuses as she has Spartan. Fall in love all over again with our favorite 'Heartland' episodes Thursdays at 9 and 10 PM ET on UPtv! After all, it was the episode in which we finally found out whether she became the new Mayor of Hudson or not. I think Peter is better for Lou. He invites Ty to go with him on a run to see the Grand Canyon, Ty isn't sure at first but says he'll think about it. He talks to Scott when working with Ghost and he explains that Ghost doesn't like Amy because mustangs don't like mares being in charge. Sheryl. Ty and Jack tell Clint that Badger went for a smoke and got lost taking a spill on his way back. Tara finds Ty fixing his truck and tries to engage him in conversation, they talk about music and she tries to find out what he did to get on probation, he remains tight lipped. Heartland season 13 episode 10 was truly a rollercoaster. When he notices a cough he also puts Pegasus in the Quonset Hut with Daisy. He finally admits that he didn't want to go but not because he didn't want to be with her. J. D. Werth is that threat. After the cows have been rounded up Jack asks them what happened had they make excuses. Amy and Ty share their delirious happiness with their new relationship. relationship is over. When they spend time together training racehorses for the Derby, they become closer again and almost kissing. He goes up to have a look around, not seeing anything, he looks out the window and sees a hooded figure slowly walking towards Amy. Ty goes to the office and hears Lou on the phone with a potential client, he tells her that Amy doesn't think there's anything wrong with Trooper but the problem's with the girl. After Jack has to change the plans and stay, Amy and Ty prepare to leave and Jack tells Amy to set up the radio when they get there to communicate. Ty gives him advice on what to say to Clint, which goes smoothly receiving minimal punishment. As they're leaving, Amy gives him one of Jack's old hats so he looks the part for the round-up. (The Haunting of Hanley Barn), Ty goes to work with Scott, he tells him he's been accepted to two colleges and hasn't told Amy yet, although receives teasing about one of his choices. Amy and Ty argue on how to help them. Amy apologizes to Ty and he admits that he would do it again and he'd do anything for her. Ty sits nervously in the Loft looking at a picture of Amy on his phone when Kit arrives. He starts to panic realizing that he has pesticide poisoning, he goes through Amy's mother's journals and finds what they need to do. Tim arrives and brings a horse, Payback, for Amy to work with, a cutting horse that's scared of cows. United in their attempt to save the wild horses, Amy and Ty grow closer. She chases him down to berate him and he tells her Marion hired him. But with adrenalin pumping through his veins he didnt feel his side until the nurse pointed it out after Amy was safely inside the hospital. Ty finds Amy gathering tools in the barn and tells her that the cut came from Wes, he got a favor from Clint to find out where he was. Ty finds him in a nearby lake, having fallen off his horse. They discuss buying a ranch nearby together, but it eventually sells. And that hes going to take it, but only if Georgie is okay with that. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

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