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neptune conjunct saturn transit

This transit breaks and dissolves opinions and possessions with which you have identified previously. For example, I've been daydreaming a lot about the future but I have a fear that if I do that I'll hate my present. In the areas of your life affected by this transit, you've been working to establish a solid base of security. Addressing this loss may prove perplexing because you can have no clue as to the source of the problem. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording session to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. As Nep passes my natal Saturn, I am sorting wheat from chaff like a demon, s it comes into my field of view. Similar to the Saturn transit on the Natal Venus, Saturn conjunct Neptune transit brings a lot of negative energies. All the problems arise within your mind, which can cause you to be ineffective and have illusions or vagueness about your daily reality. In doing so, you feel more in control and have less fear. At an extreme, you may withdraw from the normal workings of your life into a more imaginative and dreamier one, whether it's of your own making or programmed by someone else (like the . If you are secure in your limitations and have been responsible, honest, and fair in your dealings, this can be a satisfying time of life. Discovering that some of your perceptions of the world are in fact wrong can cause disappointment and anxiety. During the retrograde time transiting Saturn could make 3 contacts with the natal planet. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. As long as your leadership is consistent with the principles that are true for you and those under you, you can readily adapt by incorporating a more open outlook to what you don?t know or can?t understand. . When it comes to matters of the heart, the things you yearn for may not be mirrored in your experiences or romantic partner. Avoid stress and stay in comfortable surroundings so that confusion and disorientation do not increase. For example, I've been daydreaming a lot about the future but I have a fear that if I do that I'll hate my present. If lord of the 2nd, you are prone to misplace things and lack good financial planning and accounting now. Neptune Conjunct: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. Youre less concerned with material profits or egotistical gain. In September2022, at what point will this next transit begin? Neptune Transits Square Midheaven Those that have a solid basis should survive while those that don?t may melt away. Saturn catching up to Neptune. The Artwork should be so lucky. Hows that? And next time around, its going to be EXACTLY on my sun, 29 Pisces ! Neptune Transits Opposition Midheaven You see the world differently, and sometimes not quite correctly, since youre not able to determine what is your role or responsibility. Consequently, your work and career gain a greater dimension of meaningfulness and importance to you. Only you will know how much hard work went into making your efforts look effortless. Neptune Transits Opposition Ascendant Let the images come. Your safe and secure realities will be challenged by exposure to some possible realities. If involved in a love relationship, the cruder, less refined, and overly practical or mundane elements of your relationship that you once accepted now become glaring and hard to stomach. Neptune Transits Opposition Saturn The transit of Neptune quincunx natal Saturn is a period of hard-to-diagnose health problems and deceptive conditions at work. McConnell with his birthday on the 01Pis22 New Moon. You do not feel very confident. 21 November 1952 Loosening of what is rigid can occur, and you can initiate steps to bring greater flexibility to whatever you hold on too tightly. The artist Georges Braque (006) said: Truth exists, only falsehood has to be invented. You will only gain confidence and self-respect when you face reality and stop deceiving yourself and others. You are more open and accepting on an emotional level. Uranus is freedom to be in the current second. You are responsive to all things pleasurable, possibly to the point of carelessness or laziness when it comes to tending to practical affairs. Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Saturn. +Problems could lose some of their definition and appear less difficult now. You can be extra sensitive and impressionable during this transit. Watch, too, for a lot of wasted time or wasted opportunities, as well as exaggeration. Romance is highly favored. You simply know what you really need, and you have a good sense of priorities. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). Then you will stop worrying about the future and trust that everything will be okay because you will make it okay. With these transits, the fog is an appearance that business as usual through a forgetting or disconnection from the innate, instinctive wisdom of the physical body - it . Saturn doesn't want to compromise. Your ability to discriminate is compromised, simply because Neptunes energy lacks definition and boundaries. You can be self-sacrificing in a healthy way. You are likely to form new relationships of both a personal and business nature that you have high hopes for, but you are likely to eventually become disappointed by these relationships. You are more imaginative now, and easily swayed by the opinions of others. Im grateful to know my loss of self-confidence around communicating clearly around my work is only temporaryor at least this period of immense pain and suffering around it is. You are absorbing things from your environment differently than before. 23/08/2021 Jessica Davidson. Saturn conjunct Neptune transit is generally associated with insecurity, confusion, self-doubt, and guilt. In this post we'll look at the Saturn Neptune cycle which lasts about 36 years. T Neptune conjunct Moon opposing Saturn is personal and it can indicate several things: 1) the health of a female family member can be affected, 2) Keep your property safe from invasion (people and insects), 3) with Saturn, there can . Begin paying attention to your dreams, fantasies feelings, subtle impressions, inklings, and thoughts that seem unusual or unrelated to your usual way of thinking. To the extent that you are missing some important components, a feeling of being off course probably will surface. Ghosts from the past haunt you. Often it feels like the structures upon which you have built your life, and have come to depend on, are no longer dependable. You may be set up for a fall or disgrace. As you become increasingly disoriented . +There could be a tendency to view your accomplishments as having almost no substance during this time. How Neptune affects our lives depends very much on whether we resist its influences or we try to work with the planet of illusion and spirituality. And so do younger folks born between December 1988 and January 1990. Transit Neptune Conjunct Saturn can be quite a difficult transit because it can be quite confusing and possibly depressing and lonely. . If you are secure in your limitations and have been responsible, honest, and fair in your dealings, this can be a satisfying time of life. Increased compassion and sympathetic awareness of others. Through the darkness of this period, youll begin to see infinite possibilities and the true nature of things. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine. But this is not healthy and leaves you susceptible to abuse. So, you must be a relentless and even fearless experimenter, building up a sort of vocabulary to define and create more of what you envision. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. In some cases, this can instead manifest as a health issue that is hard to diagnose. Yet, with patience, you're capable of creating great wonders. The General tests systems, benchmarking the known and unknown, writing histories, exercising hazmat protocols, and so on. *Be very careful and circumspect about any new relationship that forms now. Without guilt or sentimentality, you can now allow what's illusory or unrealistic to wash away. Neptune transits square or opposite Mercury. Little feels tangible, perhaps even in your own mind. Youre going to do your own thing with Mars sq Neptune, but if you know a little Greek (Saturn) you can make it to 100. You may often rely on your instinctual judgment. All this to say perhaps you should watch the movie? Imagine a positive future, and it will manifest. You might miss out on opportunities because of this approach to life. You seek out more expansive, magical, spiritual, and rousing experiences. Much of what you thought was true about the world turns out to be false. Your dreams and hopes may begin to . He did not suffer lack of material wealth. This allows you to work hard to achieve your ideals. If the Sun is involved, we dont know where we are heading and we have a hard time defining what we want and where we want to go. Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Even people who are normally punctual might find it hard to be on time during this transit. If you do these things, you can make your dreams come true. If lord of the 10th, be careful about your reputation now and how others perceive you. The senses are dramatically heightened in general, although attention to detail may be lacking. Because of your increased sympathetic awareness of others unspoken feelings and states of being, you feel more compassion and a greater desire to assist them. Is this coming from Saturn? or pluto? Transit Saturn Conjunct Neptune. But the quote I outlined is still not making sense; Perhaps you can elaborate meaning, if there is one. Often there is an undercurrent to this period that can interfere quietly yet strongly with an established routine while making it a challenge to recognize what is amiss. You may get nothing in return. Some unusual or unexpected problems with the mother, important women in your life, and/or your domestic life may occur during the course of the transit. You might have a sense of living in a dream world or of being awake in your own dream. Real tough ones. This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. I may be too hopeful for a good ending to my friendships here, but I have to believe the lesson that is being illuminated here is possible to seize and level up from regardless of how they feel about me. You might feel that the once-solid structure of your life is now shakier. Your dreams are likely to become more vivid, and you can be quite susceptible to mood swings. Because even with a normal childhood, you will likely struggle with fear, insecurity, negativity, loss, and disappointment. How do you receive the message? Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. 11 Year Anniversary. Related Topics Astrologer Astrology Spirituality Religion and Spirituality comments . Slow down. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations. There is lack of certainty regarding money matters. Your sensitivity and imagination increase tremendously at this time, and you are much more easily influenced by images, the psychic and emotional energy of other people, and the psychic atmosphere around you. (strangely enough i commemorated the Neptune ingress of Pisces by registering an email ID, see Sun sextile Neptune). All rights reserved. Look to the house(s) of your natal chart with Cancer on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. Neptune Transits Trine Saturn . The current cycle began in 1989 and the next one starts with the conjunction in 2025 - 2026. Force yourself to consider practical matters, even though you may resist it, while opening your heart to new possibilities. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Saturn: During this time you are likely to question every single aspect of reality. The house of the conjunction gives more information about in which area it manifests primarily. With this reading you receive. I already can feel the . You could potentially live with very little material comfort. You may be depressed because of a subconscious memory of an unpleasant past experience. Placing faith in something higher than you is one thing, but if taken too far, you might one day regret letting life pass you by. I have not researched Saturn conjunct Neptune transit yet. If taken too far, your sense that everything will work out could blind you to some essential practical details. It was retro exact yesterday. This is a longer-term influence that can last for some time if Neptune transits and then retrogrades over your natal Jupiter. *Your motivations and personal ambitions become more elevated and idealistic now. Or, you may have to care for someone whos not feeling well, and this interferes with your work, health or family. Furthermore, honesty and respect will make sure you reach your full potential. We might attract challenging situations or relationships into our lives because of a deep longing for more drama or glamor in our lives, or for a soulmate connection. Others give you ideal support. We don't collect your IP address. You are more sensitive than ever to emotional stimulus at this time, as your love and pleasure nature is heightened, open, and perhaps vulnerable to influence. Natal moon is widely conjunct as well. But if you stay firm with clarity and grit, you can harvest the best of your lofty aspirations. We both have Sun Saturn conjunction in our birth charts so the conjunction is also a conjunction. *You are more concerned with bringing high ideals and noble purposes into your life now than you are with gaining personal recognition or personal gain. For example, you might throw yourself into a new romance that others warn you is not realistic. This actually happened to me. Look for Leo in your natal chart, as the Sun rules Leo, and this is an area of life that will be directly affected by the transit (in addition to the house where the transit actually takes place).

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