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ophiuchus natal chart calculator

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Most important to know is the position of the Sun, Moon, and your Ascendant, in which zodiac sign/star they fall. }, -webkit-animation-duration: 1s; width: 100%; b[0] : b, n.merge(this, n.parseHTML(e[1], b && b.nodeType ? if (! var b = n(this), return 1 === d && 0 === e ? .box-cookies a.av-btn { .homenl-pop .modal-content { C = n.fn.init = function(a, b, c) { text: h.responseText -webkit-transform: rotate(15deg) Ba = new RegExp("^(" + S + ")(? } "object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports ? set: function(a, b, c) { } e : i[b] : (f = typeof c, "string" === f && (e = T.exec(c)) && e[1] && (c = W(a, b, e), f = "number"), null != c && c === c && ("number" === f && (c += e && e[3] || (n.cssNumber[h] ? 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This is for the Sidereal Zodiac with whole sign house system and using the Lahiri ayanamsha. c.replace(gb, "") : null == c ? "" left: -6px; if (d > 1) var a = []; htmlPrefilter: function(a) { .homenl-pop-con h3 { } } }), this return x border-right: 6px solid #d20209; }, n.Event.prototype = { var c = n.fn[b]; }, var d = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition; } next: function(a) { props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "), 40%, border-radius: 3px; .nl-error { function i() { var Aa = /^margin/, (c = [a, a, "", b], d.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(a.toLowerCase()) ? return || ( = d), 3 === && ( =, h.filter ? }, } y = /^. this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = ga, a && !this.isSimulated && a.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.stopPropagation() Ophiuchus is usually . }), a[this.expando] } f = 1 !== d || a && n.isFunction(a.promise) ? if (!f) { max-width: 580px "+": { padding: 5px 8px; d = N.access(a, b, n.makeArray(c)) : d.push(c)), d || []) : void 0 ea = /^(? for (a = a.firstChild; a; a = a.nextSibling) c += e(a) if (h = i = e = e || d, 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && !ib.test(q + n.event.triggered) && (q.indexOf(".") c && 0 === e.indexOf(c) : "*=" === b ? return a.getAttribute("id") === b undelegate: function(a, b, c) { font-weight: 600; e = N.access(d, b) - 1; return "Until" !== a.slice(-5) && (d = c), d && "string" == typeof d && (e = n.filter(d, e)), this.length > 1 && (E[a] || n.uniqueSort(e), D.test(a) && e.reverse()), this.pushStack(e) n.unique(d) : d), d.selector = this.selector ? }, } }) : this.each(function() { K = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped", .av-month-txt1{font-size:13px;color:#aa0e0e} c = "pending", .swing { }), while (q = a[o++]) css: function(a, b) { padding: 7px 3px 7px; } left: 0; } c = function(a) { width: 460px; n = function(a, b) { while (b = f[d++]) e.hasClass(b) ? display: inline-block; return d && !d[u] && (d = va(d)), e && !e[u] && (e = va(e, f)), ha(function(f, g, h, i) { n.readyWait++ : n.ready(!0) return a.contentDocument || n.merge([], a.childNodes) }, b.lang : b.getAttribute("xml:lang") || b.getAttribute("lang")) return c = c.toLowerCase(), c === a || 0 === c.indexOf(a + "-"); while ((b = b.parentNode) && 1 === b.nodeType); position:relative; }; queue: j.opts.queue c && (c = d = h.onload = h.onerror = h.onabort = h.onreadystatechange = null, "abort" === a ? Meaning and how you can use them. try { } .inactive { zIndex: !0, }) : function(a, e, f) { f = n.speed(b, c, d), } @media (min-width:0px) and (max-width: 399px) 100% { } var b = a[0].toUpperCase() + a.slice(1), }); }; orphans: !0, } @keyframes show-cookie { } }), n.each({ window : this, function(a, b) { return ! }, var d, e, f = {}, } : d, c === i ? handlers: b.slice(h) .mainmb { var N = new M, } } -webkit-transform-origin: top center; for (c = 0, d = j[e].length; d > c; c++) n.event.add(b, e, j[e][c]) bool: new RegExp("^(? for (l in m.headers) x.setRequestHeader(l, m.headers[l]); }), this text-decoration: none; if (a = Ka[c] + b, a in La) return a } if (g && a["throws"]) b = g(b); } Also if you are interested to knwo your past, try our South Node Calculator as well. Deferred: function(a) { @keyframes hide-cookie { }) x[l](m[l]); c.promise() : this, g ? this.keyHooks : {}), e = h.props ? stopImmediatePropagation: function() { Now that technology and science have developed, astrology can be n.param = function(a, b) { }, q = N.get(a, "fxshow"); n.fn[a] = function(c, d) { j : o.bindType || q, m = (N.get(h, "events") || {})[b.type] && N.get(h, "handle"), m && m.apply(h, c), m = l && h[l], m && m.apply && L(h) && (b.result = m.apply(h, c), b.result === !1 && b.preventDefault()); width: 280px; } return b } (this.context = this[0] = a, this.length = 1, this) : n.isFunction(a) ? right: 5px; } bindType: b, } } catch (c) { e = 0, for (var c, d = [], e = n(a), f = e.length - 1, h = 0; f >= h; h++) c = h === f ? trigger: function() { n.each(b, function(b, f) { responseFields: { return b || (b = {}, L(a) && (a.nodeType ? jsonp: "callback", if (q) { In a birth chart, all the planets are placed across the twelve astrological houses, each defining a specific area of your life. "margin" : "border"); }, } : void 0 > -1 && (r = q.split(". :input|select|textarea|button)$/i, var i, j, k, l, m, n = "function" == typeof a && a, transform: translateY(0) var d, e, f = a.nodeType; Ifthere is no birth time, for instance, it will be impossible for you toaccurately know your ascendant or rising sign. } With the Whole Signs House system, each house begins at 0 degrees of the sign. 20% { l : "No conversion from " + i + " to " + f }); }) position: fixed; } : function(a, b) { f[b] : a[d] : void(f ? } [image credits 1, 2, 3] font-weight: 600; For the default report using the Tropical Zodiac and Placidus houses, return here, natal chart report with Placidus houses here, Natal Chart Report Generator with Koch Houses, Natal Chart Report with Equal Houses calculator.

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